Sunday, April 19, 2020

Around my town

Kevin (also didn't want full name), Greg, & Ariel Winegar getting ready to tie one on 
Mark Woodbury & Gage Immoos making sure the calf stays calm while it waits for a brand
Greg (who didn't want his full name out) roping a calf while his horse walked to where he needed to go

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Self-Portrait photojournalism


Hi! My name is Marnie Woodbury and I am a student here at LBCC. My major is agriculture and this is my first year at LBCC (second year in college though.) During this coronavirus time, I am back home in Hines, Oregon with my family. Because the virus forced colleges to shut down, I unfortunately got laid off from my job so that causes some stress. I miss my friends and meeting new people on campus, but I know that fall term will just be the best!
Like I said in my last blog, I am super passionate about agriculture! Joining Sigma Alpha was the best decision I made in college because it opened the door for leadership opportunities, professional development, but also I have met some of my best friends through the sorority. I have also learned how to be an advocate to all avenues of agriculture, not just the most traditional or ones that I am the most familiar with. I am looking forward to being back with them. 
One thing that coronavirus cannot take from me is the ability to get outside! I love the outdoors and some fresh mountain air is the best when you have been cooped up in the house for a few weeks. My family has gotten out and done some hiking and horn hunting to stay active and keep our sanity. 

Day 1 Blog

Hey my name is Marnie Woodbury and I am studying Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences at Oregon State University and Agriculture at LBCC. I am from a small town in Eastern Oregon called Hines. At OSU I work for the meat lab on campus, I am apart of clubs like Collegiate FFA, and I am a member of the professional, agricultural based sorority, Sigma Alpha. If you couldn't tell by that, I am REALLY passionate about agriculture!
I decided to take this class because I have always had a passion for photography and I wanted to get better. This is my first time taking a photography class so I am looking forward to learning a lot! I thought that this was a good class to start with because it is all about showcasing the pictures that we are taking.
My biggest goal is to gain more confidence in the pictures that I do take because I know that more people will know about my skills. I know that using platforms like instagram will help me become more confident in my abilities. Another goal of mine is to become better at editing photos. I am newbie when it comes to editing softwares, I have used some editing apps before but never anything like photoshop and Lightroom. And lastly, I just want to take better photos. Learning from someone other than myself and youtube will be a pace change of pace and I know that I can only improve from where I am right now!